Tea &Tehillim Recordings

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Previous Tea&Tehillim Recordings:

Perek ק: Living Mizmor L'soda in Three Easy Steps

Perek פ״ד: Strengthening your Connection with Hashem...Today:)

Perek קמ״ד: Construct Your own Affirmations to Stop Pushing and Start Trusting

Perek קמ״ז: Here's to our New Humble Expectations

Use the power of both positive expectation and humility to get the help you need.

Perek ק״ג: How to Use Gratitude to Upgrade Your Life

The title pretty much says it all:)

Perek כ״ד: Accountability 101

Learn the empowering skill of taking complete accountability for your life

Perek קל״ז: They ALSO Cried

Can destruction serve to bring us closer?

Perek ק״ד: There is Fate in the Wait

Tools to help you thrive in the holding patterns of life

Perek ק״ב: Painless Perspective

Access spiritual wisdom to gain relief from emotional pain

Perek י״ז: Nevertheless....

Two foundational principles in self esteem brought to life

Perek קמ״ב: P-R-A-Y

Four nuances that maximise the effectiveness of your prayers

Perek מ״ב: MEND Your Broken Heart

Easy acronym to guide yourself towards healing from any loss

Perek קכ״ב: Peace Upon Your Hills, Yerushalayim

Create an aura of peace around you to help draw in the final redemption.

Perek צ׳: Home Sweet Home

A powerful way to bring joy and productivity to each day.

Perek ב׳: SWSWSWSW

Mundane ways to live in a miracle mindset.

Perek קל״ו: Money Mindsets Matter

"Act as if" you have the money you want to get the money you need.

Perek י״ח: Boomerang Basics

Adopt an attitude of chesed towards others and get it in return.

Perek נ״ו: Focus on the Cholent

Coping tactics that deliver you into better times.

Perek ס״ה: Let it Rain!

Shift into an abundant mindset and see things flow your way.

Perek ק״א: Sorry for Bashing into Your Truck

Live honesty and authentically and stop apologizing.

Perek צ״ד: Let's Break Some Rules

Discover your hidden rules that are governing your life.

Perek ט״ז: Dear Higher Self...

Insight into getting in touch with your inner wisdom.

Perek ס״ט: Shame to Fame

Coping strategy for those embarrassing moments.

Perek י״ט: Back to Nature

How to use nature's energy to transform your emotional state.

Perek קכ״ה: Hashem Loves You

Tangible ways to get in touch with His unconditional love for you.

Perek קכ״ד: You Are Worth it!

Fun process to get in touch with your self worth...fast:)

Perek קט״ו: You Better Believe it

Two questions to help you access your highest levels of trust.

Perek ק״כ: The Poppy Seed is on You!

Great ideas to help you control your speech.

Perek צ״ה: MY Way, NO Highway

How to adopt a softer energy to achieve success.

Perek נ״ה: Friends Forever??

How to hold your own and protect your feelings in close relationships.

Perek כ״ב: Hope is on the Way

Three ideas to help you keep strong and anticipate positive outcomes.

Perek קי״ב: String Your Own Pearls

Pivotal questions to bring four priceless lessons to life.

Perek ע׳: Are You Nice to Yourself?

Three steps towards forgiving yourself and moving on.

Perek קכ״ג: At Your Service...

What is an Eved Hashem and how can I become One?

Perek קכ״א: You are Being Followed...

Harness your G-d given power to attract the right people into your life

Perek ע״ו: The Best is Yet to Come...

Real ways to live a magical life

Perek פ״ו: Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Tangible Teshuva Today!

Perek כ"ז: You Too Can Have Great Cleaning Help

Two ways to make this Elul more meaningful and enjoyable than ever!

Perek קמ״ה: Thank You for the Spinach

How to use gratitude to change your life.

Perek ל''א: No More Mrs. Nice Guy!

What are boundaries and how do you set them?

Perek 'כ: Your Ideal Summer Vacation

Tap into your hidden strengths to manifest your desires.

Perek 34: 1, 2, 3-Zip it!

Innovative tools for guarding your tongue.

Perek נ"ד: "But What about Ice Cream?"

How to embrace your goals wholeheartedly to achieve the best results.

Perek י''ג: I Am the Principal

Learn to self-validate and step into a new you.

Perek ´ל: I'll Love You in the Morning

Techniques to soothe yourself from difficult emotions.

Perek ´ו: Heal for Real

A guide for turning inwards to move upwards.

Perek ק''ל: Apology Accepted!

Balance your “I’m sorrys” in confusing situations.

Perek 'ד: Help the World Go Round

Understanding envy and using it in the best ways.

Perek 'ח: Donald Trump… Revised!

Be a dynamic leader by elevating and empowering others.

Perek קי''ח: You can turn it around!

Adopt the mindset you need to turn struggle into success.

Perek צ"א: Floating on a Cloud

Activating calming feelings to combat anxiety and fear.

Perek ק"ה: Let´s Reminisce...

Merit divine mercy and salvation through recounting past miracles.

Perek ‘ק: Getting Happy; No Matter What!

Gain access to joy and discover its secret benefits.

Perek 'א: This is Where it all Starts...

Enrich your life doing what you love with the people you love.

Perek ט"ו: Soulful Solutions

Two strategies for positive interpersonal relationships.

Perek קל"א: The Beautiful State of Equanimity

Achieve true humility and see yourself shine!

Perek צ"ב: Look Beyond the Surface...

Challenge your beliefs to reinvent your life.

Perek קל"ג: It’s All You!

How to take control of your self-esteem today!

Perek קמ"ו: Make Your Mark

Use your unique strengths to light up your world... and ours!

Perek קי״ג: Power Up!!

Become a receiver to attract Hashem´s blessings into your life.

Perek קי״ד: It’s Time to Take the Plunge!

Reach out of your comfort zone to achieve your full potential.

Perek קכ״ו: You are Awesome! It’s Time to Dream...

Get in touch with the goodness inside of you and create it around you.

Perek כ"ג: Transcending Challenge!

Discover a myriad of life altering lessons from six short pesukim.

Perek ל״ג: What are You Telling Yourself?

Learn to channel your speech to change your life.